Next Reunion - JUNE 10th, 2012

Monday, August 3, 2009


What a great time and a wonderful turnout!

We had 21 people come out to the lake on Saturday night. Some of us stayed up until 2:30 AM (and a few stayed up even later) just catching up, playing games, and sharing laughs. A few went in town for more comfortable beds but were able to stay for a good long visit before they had to leave.

Sunday we had a huge turnout and more wonderful food than we could possibly eat. It seems like every year we have new babies at the reunion and it is so fun to watch them all grow. This year we had 2 boys (Whittney & Charley's son Trevor and Leah's son Kade) and 1 girl (Mari and Harsha's daughter Amaya) that were born after last year's reunion. Andy & Cinda are expecting another baby in December so we will have at least one new baby next year. By my unofficial count there were 61 people at the reunion this year! (I will correct this information, if needed, once I talk to Tonya for an official count.) It is amazing to look around at that large room full of people and think about how it all began when 2 people fell in love, got married, and started a family.

Speaking of falling in love - Toni introduced everyone to her fiance, Greg Storm. They will be married on May 8th, 2010!

Also, Mollie Mosier was able to attend this year with her son Wes and his wife Eva.

We hope that everyone will be back again next year and that the few of you who were unable to join us this year will be able to come next year.

If you have not yet submitted a recipe (or two, or three, or . . . ) for the Krout Family Cookbook please do so as soon as possible. With everyone's help we will be able to have the cookbooks available at the 2010 family reunion.

Pictures taken at the reunion will be posted later.